Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yup. That StumbleUpon surge changed things a bit.

Not in a way they haven't been changed before, mind you. Every now and again, there's enough of a traffic surge that the traffic never fully dies back to near-original levels, even if the referrals aren't coming from StumbleUpon any more.

Usually, it's a combination of two things: 1) a steady trickle of referrals from dozens of forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit and language-specific phpBB installs. 2) A lot more people add "rosetta code" or "rosetta" to their search queries; I get the impression that this method of learning how to do stuff is getting more popular.

So, yeah, the ambient traffic appears to have permanently bumped up a notch. This has happened three times before, that I can think of.

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