Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things on my mind today...

Prime words. If one were to present thousands of people with the words in the dictionary, and ask them to replace the word with a small set of simpler words with near-identical resulting meaning, would a set of fundamental, or "prime" words result? What would they be? Some circular definitions might result, but their presence might help identify fundamental concepts.

What happens if you could influence the Shadow ships' pilot with LSD or PCP? (If you haven't seen through Season 4, don't bother guessing. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then nothing's spoiled.)

What happens if a vampire or lycanthrope bites a bio-tech vehicle?

I need to make a habit of going to work earlier so I can get enough hours in before early afternoon. OTOH, I've got a ton of vacation hours saved up, and that would be a worthwhile way to spend them. :)

I broke someone's nerd-o-meter today. I feel good.

I seem to be discovering something akin to alchemy and herbal remedies, but using fast and processed foods for ingredients. That can't be a good sign.

SanDisk seems to have abandoned the SD+USB product area. [trope]BigNo[/trope].


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