Thursday, April 30, 2009

A riddle

Two astronauts are standing on a spinning space station shaped like a disk. They are the same radial distance away from the disk's center, and standing opposite to each other across from the center (e.g., if you draw a line connecting the two astronauts, the line crosses the disk's center.) One astronaut wants to toss a wrench to the other. Among the infinitude of trajectories which will accomplish this goal, characterize one of the trajectories without writing a single equation.

My answer:

??l??o?s dn ?i ??id o? ?uol? ?q lli? ?n?uo??s? ????o ??? pu? '??u?????? ?o ????? u?is????? ? ui uoi???s ???ds ??? o? ??i??l?? ???ds ui ?u?? lli? ??u??? ??? ??uil????? ?p???l? ??,no? ???? ??i?ol?? l?i?u??u?? ??? ?o ???? o? l?nb? ??i?ol?? ? ?? 'uoi???o? ?o ???u?? s,uoi???s ??? ?o?? ??u??sip ?no? o? l?nb? snip?? ? ??i? ?l??i? ??? o? l?i?u??u?? uoi????ip p???uidsi?u? ??? ui ??u??? ??? ?o???

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