Friday, December 25, 2009

Best Christmas Eve Ever

My brother is in town. We watched a bunch of movies together. I introduced him to The Usual Suspects, he then introduced me to Cypher, to which I responded with Paprika.

Coincidentally, that turns out to be an awesome sequence if you like mysteries and plots that twist your brain into pretzels. It's like the hard-liquor cocktail of mystery/thrillers. Watched in that order, those movies' themes flow into each other; The first two have someone unseen pulling the strings, while the latter two make it difficult for the character to discern what's real and what's not. (Paprika takes this to extremes...)

I need to show him Dark City next if I still have the BD from Netflix. I expect doing all four of those in a marathon session would be like a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster. I'd probably throw Dark City somewhere between Cypher and Paprika in the sequence; It shares some of the 'unseen strings' characteristics with Cypher, albeit not quite so dense, and some of the uncertainty about reality, albeit not as dense as that of Paprika.

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