Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mix tapes for driving.

So I'm making a pair of 90-minute-per-side mix tapes for driving, for listening to during a 15 hour drive.

Yes, tapes. My laptop's being repaired, and I don't have any other decent audio player device at the moment.

To make these tapes, I created a playlist of songs in Rhythmbox that I would be willing to listen to. I don't know how many are there, or how many minutes' worth of music is there. Suffice it to say it's a lot. I also threw in all of the ads and callsign announcements from Streets of SimCity, because they give me a chuckle. I have the playlist playing in Shuffle mode, and I have a dual-tape deck sitting between my computer and stereo syste, configured to continuously record, looping through all four sides of tape.

When I wake up, I'll pop the tapes out. They'll have six hours worth of music on them, and I won't really know what's on there and when.

This will be interesting...

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