Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ok, for the last time. (Hopefully)

I run Windows at work. I code Windows apps in native-code C++. It's what I get paid to do. I currently run Linux at home, on pretty much anything with an x86 processor.

I love using Linux. I don't hate Windows. I can't give you specific reasons why any more.

If you're already a Linux desktop user, and have admitted that publicly, then there's a fair chance you hate Windows. That's your business. I really don't care.

You may or may not like using Linux; It's up to you to try it and find out for yourself. If you want, drop me an email and I can probably answer some general questions, and possibly where to find the answers to more specific ones.

You may or may not like Windows. It's up to you to try it and find out. If you don't like it, I don't need to know why.

Yes, Windows has its faults. Microsoft has its faults. Linux and all its distributions have their faults. If you want to expend your energy hating one of them, that's your business. I really don't care, and I'd rather not argue about it; Too much of both communities are full of fanboys and reactionaries against hype, and I can't argue against emotion.

Which text editor should you use? Whatever you're comfortable with. Which distribution should you use? Whatever you're comfortable with. Which programming language should you use? Whatever you're comfortable with? Which shell should you use? Whatever you're comfortable with. GNOME or KDE? I think you should see the pattern by now.

If you don't have experience with any of them, there's nothing for you to do but try it and see what fits.

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