Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stop me if you've heard this one.

An AOL'er, a Microsoft Forum user, and the rest of the world <a href="http://ping.fm/tUpfI">meet in a newsgroup</a>...

The AOL'er is complaining that the Microsoft Forum user is using the wrong group, and is bitching her out. The Microsoft forum user isn't aware of the distinction between forums and newsgroups, gets testy, and then ignores the AOL'er, while getting good, sound advice from Microsoft MVP folks and other people from around the Internet.

In the end, the AOL'er demands that the thread be deleted and the Microsoft forum dweller be banned, while the Microsoft forum dweller says the AOL'er ought to be banned. And neither are cognizant of the fact that it's an unmoderated newsgroup.

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